The Hottest Handicappers Right Now

Here is a list of the top handicapping experts over the recent history.  These handicappers are on a hot run right now and this page gives you an idea of who is hot and you can click on their handicapping name to see a full list of trends and history.

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Service Units ROI Pct WL
GamePlan +1246.0 +34.5% 67.7% 21-10
Martin Griffiths +1244.0 +60.6% 68.4% 13-6
John Martin +984.0 +21.8% 58.5% 24-17
Scott Rickenbach +970.0 +33.5% 69.2% 18-8
Dennis Macklin +888.0 +33.9% 69.6% 16-7
Bob Harvey +800.0 +65.5% 90.0% 9-1
Pure Lock +773.0 +81.9% 100.0% 7-0
Trev Rogers +757.0 +54.7% 83.3% 10-2
Tony George +651.0 +62.0% 88.9% 8-1
Bobby Conn +648.0 +35.5% 66.7% 10-5
Service Units ROI Pct WL
Marc David +1560.0 +16.0% 56.3% 49-38
Timothy Black +1307.0 +7.7% 54.0% 80-68
Zack Cimini +1047.0 +24.7% 63.2% 24-14
Joseph D’Amico +965.0 +29.8% 67.9% 19-9
Matt Fargo +952.0 +12.6% 47.9% 34-37
Rob Vinciletti +892.0 +8.3% 58.8% 50-35
Dennis Macklin +887.0 +9.9% 57.3% 43-32
Steve Janus +871.0 +15.2% 58.0% 29-21
Bob Harvey +761.0 +15.8% 61.0% 25-16
Bobby Conn +747.0 +8.9% 55.6% 40-32
Service Units ROI Pct WL
Timothy Black +3624.0 +12.2% 56.9% 149-113
Rob Vinciletti +2614.0 +11.4% 60.8% 107-69
Bob Harvey +2507.0 +32.0% 67.2% 45-22
Dennis Macklin +2179.0 +14.0% 59.5% 78-53
Miguel DaSilva +2085.0 +35.6% 54.9% 28-23
Art Aronson +1979.0 +9.1% 61.5% 88-55
TJ Pemberton +1901.0 +9.6% 56.6% 94-72
Marc David +1703.0 +8.6% 53.8% 93-80
Sean Higgs +1698.0 +10.9% 53.2% 75-66
Red Dog Sports +1655.0 +20.5% 62.0% 44-27

The post The Hottest Handicappers Right Now appeared first on Sports Bet Capping – Where Records Don’t Lie.

The Hottest Handicappers Right Now
The Hottest Handicappers Right Now

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